It is now two full years since the official start of the ICEBERG project in May 2020. This period has been affected by COVID restrictions and progressive increases in the prices of raw materials and services, but ICEBERG has achieved the planned milestones and objectives with only minor deviations. Face-to-face meetings and round tables have been replaced by virtual events and developers have reallocated their resources to produce the prototypes expected.

At the time of writing this note, most innovative solutions are being finalized for validation in the near future in the six circular case studies that make up the project. The first half of the project has focused on the development and upscaling of digital tools, on sorting and recycling technologies and on eco-design and manufacturing of circular building products. Now the ICEBERG partners must address demonstrations on an industrial scale and work on non-technical barriers, supporting policy making, standardization and awareness among stakeholders and in society.

It is also time to start modeling new business related to the new solutions and to share the results with other researchers, industries, and the public. After summer 2022, the first public reports will be accessible on the project website and the participants will meet in Bilbao (Spain) for a three-day face-to-face General Assembly, where additional progress will be presented.

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