Sixth Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining (SUM2022)
Saving and recovery of resources and increasing need of environmental sustainability have been the driving forces for the development of Circular Economy and Urban Mining strategies. These represent a real revolution in waste management as well in several other fields. In order to optimise them, a scientific approach is necessary, involving all the different disciplines (Engineering, Economy, Chemistry, etc.), all possible stakeholders (industries, researchers, waste management companies, citizens, decision makers, administrators, regulators, politicians, etc.) and considering all the implementation aspects including the most critical ones, such as quality of recycled products, sustainable management of residues, symbiosis between producers and recyclers, stability of markets, end of waste regulations, role of final sinks, etc.
The SUM Symposium, organised biennially since 2012 by IWWG–International Waste Working Group, nowadays represents the ideal reference Forum for Circular Economy and Urban Mining, where scientists and stakeholders can debate the most advanced results and focus on future needs.
The 2022 edition (10th Anniversary) will take place from 18th to 20th May 2022 in the fascinating venue of Capri, Italy at the Municipal Congress Centre.
SUM 2022 is held under the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, Campania Region, City of Capri and ENEA–Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
The Symposium relies on the scientific support of prestigious universities and is promoted by several national and international bodies.
More informatión: Website