The session will take place on December 13, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, through teams.

Within the framework of the ICEBERG project, RINA – one of the members of the consortium – has organised the first online workshop on the standardisation needs of gypsum and ceramic tiles. The working session which will bring together several of the partners who have been working in these two areas for months will be held on December 13, from 9:00 to 12:00 hours. 

In the framework of the ICEBERG Project, the objective of Task 6.3 is to contribute to the standardization of the C&DW recycling process and materials to facilitate the acceptance and utilization by the market of the developed materials and technical solutions. In this sense, the objective of the workshop is to create awareness, discuss the standardization framework and agree on standardization needs for ICEBERG solutions.

The following activities were addressed during the workshop: Identify relevant standardization groups; Analyze the scope and applicability of existing standards, and evaluate standardization needs related to ICEBERG solutions.

In the first part, managers of Tecnalia, VTT, RINA, KERABEN and the Association of manufacturers of ceramic tiles will participate, they will study the challenges for the standardization and use of materials arising from construction and demolition waste (C&DW) within the field of ceramic tiles. RINA will submit first results of the project concerning Standardization need related to Ceramic Tiles. KERABEN will also explain its experience on Ceramic Tiles involving C&D Waste.

The same issues will be addressed in the second part, but focused on the area of plaster. In this case, the heads of RINA, Saint Gobain and the Plaster Producers Association will be involved.

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