Ihobe – one of the members of the consortium – has organised this morning in Bilbao a pilot activity associated with the ICEBERG project on the instruments relating to the correct management of CDW (Construction and Demolition Waste). Students from training centers related to the construction sector have taken part in this dissemination activity in the framework of ICEBERG.
Around fifty people from intermediate and superior grade formative courses have taken parte in the event. Both the participating centres and Ihobe have positively valued the conference as it has allowed a transfer of technical knowledge that promotes a constant improvement in the management of construction and demolition waste.
The European project ICEBERG – headed by TECNALIA Research & Innovation and in which 35 private and public organisations from ten European countries have taken part – is coming to its final stretch and this kind of training sessions will show the advances accomplished over the last four years.
ICEBERG – acronym of Innovative Circular Economy Based solutions demonstrating the Efficient recovery of valuable material Resources from the Generation of representative End-of-Life building materials – is funded by the European Union within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. It aims to tackle the circularity of some of the most common building materials, from the recovery and recycling of construction and demolition waste (CDW) to the development of more sustainable products.